9. |
Sharipov R. A. & Yamilov R. I., Backlund transformations
and the construction of the integrable boundary value problem for the equation
uxt=eu-e-2u, в сбрнике статей
математической физики и асимптотика их решений», Институт математики БНЦ
УрО АН СССР, 1991, 66–77.
10. |
Шарипов Р. А., Минимальные торы в пятимерной сфере в
C3, ТМФ, 87(1991), № 1, 48–56.
11. |
Сафин С. С., Шарипов Р. А., Автопреобразование Бэклунда
для уравнения uxt=eu-e-2u,
ТМФ, 95(1993), № 1, 146-159.
12. |
Boldin A. Yu.
& Safin S. S. & Sharipov R. A., On an old paper of Tzitzeika and the inverse
scattering method, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 34(1993), No. 12,
13. |
Болдин А. Ю.,
Шарипов Р. А., Динамические системы, допускающие нормальный сдвиг,
ТМФ, 97(1993), № 3, 386-395, см. также Preprint #0001-M Башкирскоо государственного университета.
14. |
Болдин А. Ю.,
Шарипов Р. А., Динамические системы, допускающие нормальный сдвиг,
Доклады РАН, 334(1994), № 2, 165-167.
15. |
Болдин А. Ю.,
Шарипов Р. А., Многомерные динамические системы, допускающие нормальный
сдвиг, ТМФ, 100(1994), № 2, 264-269.
16. |
Шарипов Р. А., Проблема метризуемости для динамических систем,
допускающих нормальный сдвиг, ТМФ, 101(1994), № 1, 85-93.
17. |
Шарипов Р. А., Динамические системы, допускающие нормальный
сдвиг, Успехи Мат. Наук, 49(1994), № 4, 105.
18. |
Boldin A. Yu. & Dmitrieva V. V.
& Safin S. S. & Sharipov R. A., Dynamical systems accepting the normal shift on
an arbitrary Riemannian manifold, в сборнике статей:
«Dynamical systems accepting the
normal shift», Издание БашГУ, 1994, 4-19; см. также ТМФ, 103(1995), № 2,
19. |
Boldin A. Yu. & Bronnikov A. A. & Dmitrieva V. V. &
Sharipov R. A., Complete normality conditions for the dynamical systems on
Riemannian manifolds, в сборнике статей:
«Dynamical systems accepting the normal
shift», Издание БашГУ, 1994, 20-30; см. также ТМФ, 103(1995), № 2, 267–275.
20. |
Sharipov R. A., Higher dynamical systems accepting the normal
shift, в сборнике статей:
«Dynamical systems accepting the normal shift»,
Издание БашГУ, 1994, 41–65. |
28. |
Dmitrieva V. V. & Sharipov R. A., On the point transformations
for the second order differential equations, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 1997, solv-int / 9703003, 1–14.
29. |
Sharipov R. A., On the point transformations for the equation y'' = P +
3 Q y' + 3 R y'2 + S y'3, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 1997, solv-int / 9706003, 1–35; см. также Вестник
БашГУ, 1998, № 1(I), 5–8.
| Mikhailov O. N. & Sharipov R. A., On the point expansion for
certain class of differential equations of second order, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 1997, solv-int / 9712001, 1–8; см. также Диф.
Уравнения 36(2000), № 10, 1331-1335.
31. |
Sharipov R. A., Effective procedure of point-classification for the
equation $y'' = P + 3 Q y' + 3 R y'2 + S y'3, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 1998, math.DG / 9802027, 1–35.
39. |
Sharipov R. A., On the solutions of weak normality equations in
multidimensional case, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2000,
math.DG / 0012110, 1-16.
| Sharipov R. A., First problem of globalization in the theory of
dynamical systems admitting the normal shift of hypersurfaces, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 2001, math.DG / 0101150, 1-14; см. также Global
geometric structures associated with dynamical systems admitting normal shift of hypersurfaces in
Riemannian manifolds, International Journal of Mathematics
and Mathematical Sciences, 30(2002) No. 9, 541-557.
| Sharipov R. A., Second problem of globalization in the theory
of dynamical systems admitting the normal shift of hypersurfaces, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 2001, math.DG / 0102141, 1-21.
| Sharipov R. A., A note on Newtonian, Lagrangian, and
Hamiltonian dynamical systems in Riemannian manifolds, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 2001, math.DG / 0107212, 1-21.
| Шарипов Р. А., Динамические системы, допускающие нормальный
сдвиг, и волновые уравнения, ТМФ, 131(2002), № 2, 244-260.
| Sharipov R. A., Normal shift in general Lagrangian dynamics,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2001, math.DG / 0112089, 1-27.
| Sharipov R. A., Comparative analysis for pair of dynamical systems,
one of which is Lagrangian, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2002, math.DG / 0204161, 1-40.
| Sharipov R. A., On the concept of normal shift in non-metric geometry,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2002, math.DG / 0208029, 1-47.
| Sharipov R. A., V-representation for normality equations in geometry of
generalized Legendre transformation, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2002, math.DG / 0210216, 1-32.
| Sharipov R. A., On the subset of normality equations describing
generalized Legendre transformation, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2002, math.DG / 0212059, 1-19.
| Lyuksyutov S. F. & Sharipov R. A., Note on kinematics, dynamics, and thermodynamics of plastic
glassy media, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2003, cond-mat/0304190, 1-19. |
| Lyuksyutov S. F. & Sharipov R. A. & Sigalov G. & Paramonov P. B., Exact analitical
solution for electrostatic field produced by biased atomic force microscope tip dwelling above dielectric-conductor bilayer,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2004, cond-mat/0408247, 1-6. |
| Lyuksyutov S. F. & Sharipov R. A., Separation of plastic deformations in polymers based on
elements of general nonlinear theory, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2004, cond-mat/0408433,
1-4. |
| Comer J. & Sharipov R. A., A note on the kinematics of dislocations in crystals, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2004, math-ph/0410006,
1-15. |
| Sharipov R. A., Gauge or not gauge? Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2004, cond-mat/0410552,
1-12. |
| Sharipov R. A., Burgers space versus real space in the nonlinear theory of dislocations, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2004, cond-mat/0411148,
1-10. |
| Comer J. & Sharipov R. A., On the geometry of a dislocated medium, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2005, math-ph/0502007,
1-17. |
| Sharipov R. A., Spinor functions of spinors and the concept of extended spinor fields, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2005,
math.DG/0511350, 1-56. |
| Sharipov R. A., Commutation relationships and curvature spin-tensors for extended spinor connections, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2005,
math.DG/0512396, 1-22. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on Dirac spinors in a non-flat space-time of general relativity, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2006,
math.DG/0601262, 1-22. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on metric connections for chiral and Dirac spinors, Electronic
archive http://arXiv.org, 2006,
math.DG/0602359, 1-40. |
| Sharipov R. A., On the Dirac equation in a gravitation field
and the secondary quantization, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2006, math.DG/0603367,
1-10. |
| Sharipov R. A., The electro-weak and color bundles for the
Standard Model in a gravitation field, Electronic archive
http://arXiv.org, 2006,
math.DG/0603611, 1-8. |
65. | Sharipov R. A.
A note on connections of the Standard Model in a gravitation field, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2006,
math.DG/0604145, 1-11. |
66. | Sharipov R. A.
A note on the Standard Model in a gravitation field, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2006,
math.DG/0605709, 1-36. |
| Sharipov R. A., Comparison of two formulas for metric connections
in the bundle of Dirac spinors, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2007, 0707.0482 [math.DG], 1-16. |
| Sharipov R. A., On the spinor structure of the homogeneous and isotropic universe in closed model, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2007, 0708.1171 [math.DG], 1-25. |
| Sharipov R. A., On Killing vector fields of a homogeneous and isotropic universe in closed model, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2007, 0708.2508 [math.DG], 1-19. |
| Sharipov R. A., On deformations of metrics and their associated spinor structures, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2007, 0709.1460 [math.DG], 1-22. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on a perfect Euler cuboid,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2011, 1104.1716 [math.NT], 1-8. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on the Sopfr(n) function,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2011, 1104.5235 [math.NT], 1-7. |
| Sharipov R. A., Perfect cuboids and irreducible polynomials,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2011, 1108.5348 [math.NT], 1-8. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on the first cuboid conjecture,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2011, 1109.2534 [math.NT], 1-6. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on the second cuboid conjecture. Part I,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1201.1229 [math.NT], 1-10. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on the third cuboid conjecture. Part I,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1203.2567 [math.NT], 1-34. |
| Sharipov R. A., Perfect cuboids and multisymmetric polynomials,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1205.3135 [math.NT], 1-12. |
| Sharipov R. A., On an ideal of multisymmetric polynomials
associated with perfect cuboids, Electronic archive
2012, 1206.6769 [math.NT], 1-17. |
| Sharipov R. A., On the equivalence of cuboid equations and
their factor equations,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1207.2102 [math.NT], 1-11. |
| Sharipov R. A., A biquadratic Diophantine equation
associated with perfect cuboids,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1207.4081 [math.NT], 1-17. |
| Ramsden J. R., Sharipov R. A., Inverse problems associated
with perfect cuboids,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2012, 1207.6764 [math.NT], 1-11. |
| Sharipov R. A., On a pair of cubic equations associated
with perfect cuboids, Electronic archive
2012, 1208.0308 [math.NT], 1-15. |
| Sharipov R. A., On two elliptic curves associated with
perfect cuboids, Electronic archive
2012, 1208.1227 [math.NT], 1-11. |
| Ramsden J. R., Sharipov R. A., On singularities of the inverse
problems associated with perfect cuboids, Electronic archive
2012, 1208.1859 [math.NT], 1-6. |
| Ramsden J. R., Sharipov R. A., On two algebraic
parametrizations for rational solutions of the cuboid equations,
Electronic archive
2012, 1208.2587 [math.NT], 1-17. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on solutions of the
cuboid factor equations, Electronic archive
2012, 1209.0723 [math.NT], 1-15. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on rational and elliptic
curves associated with the cuboid factor equations,
Electronic archive
2012, 1209.5706 [math.NT], 1-15. |
| Ramsden J. R., Sharipov R. A., Two and three descent
for elliptic curves associated with perfect cuboids,
Electronic archive
2013, 1303.0765 [math.NT], 1-37. |
| Masharov A. A., Sharipov R. A., A strategy of numeric search for
perfect cuboids in the case of the second cuboid conjecture,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1504.07161 [math.NT], 1-21. |
| Sharipov R. A., Reverse asymptotic estimates for roots of the
cuboid characteristic equation in the case of the second cuboid
conjecture, Electronic archive
2015, 1505.00724 [math.NT], 1-17. |
| Sharipov R. A., Asymptotic estimates for roots of the cuboid
characteristic equation in the linear region, Electronic archive
2015, 1505.02745 [math.NT], 1-17. |
| Sharipov R. A., Asymptotic estimates for roots of the cuboid
characteristic equation in the nonlinear region, Electronic archive
2015, 1506.04705 [math.NT], 1-24. |
110. |
Шарипов Р. А., Асимптотический подход к задаче о совершенном кубоиде,
Уфимский математический журнал, 7(2015), No. 3, 100-113. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on invertible quadratic transformations of the real plane,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org, 2015, 1507.01861 [math.AG], 1-21. |
| Sharipov R. A., On some higher degree sign-definite multivariate polynomials associated
with definite quadratic forms, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1507.05056 [math.AG], 1-5. |
| Sharipov R. A., On positive bivariate quartic forms, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1507.07125 [math.AG], 1-14. |
| Sharipov R. A., Multiple discriminants and critical values of a multivariate
polynomial, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1508.00551 [math.AG], 1-10. |
| Sharipov R. A., On quartic forms associated with cubic transformations of the real plane,
Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1508.03005 [math.AG], 1-10. |
| Sharipov R. A., A rough classification of potentially invertible cubic transformations
of the real plane, Electronic archive http://arXiv.org,
2015, 1508.04703 [math.AG], 1-8. |
| Sharipov R. A., A note on electromagnetic energy in the
context of cosmology, Electronic archive
2022, 2207.0092 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-11. |
| Sharipov R. A., A three-dimensional brane universe in a four-dimensional
spacetime with a Big Bang, Electronic archive
2022, 2207.0173 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-10. |
| Sharipov R. A., Lagrangian approach to deriving the gravity equations for a 3D-brane universe, Electronic archive
2023, 2301.0033 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-12. |
| Sharipov R. A., Hamiltonian approach to deriving the gravity equations for a 3D-brane universe, Electronic archive
2023, 2302.0120 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-21. |
| Sharipov R. A., Energy conservation law for the gravitational field in a 3D-brane universe, Electronic archive
2023, 2303.0123 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-12. |
| Sharipov R. A., Speed of gravity can be different from the speed of light, Electronic archive
2023, 2304.0225 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-18. |
| Sharipov R. A., On superluminal non-baryonic matter in a 3D-brane universe, Electronic archive
2023, 2305.0113 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-7. |
| Sharipov R. A., 3D-brane gravity without equidistance postulate, Electronic archive
2023, 2306.0104 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-14. |
| Sharipov R. A., Lagrangian approach to deriving the gravity equations in a 3D-brane universe without
equidistance postulate, Electronic archive https://vixra.org,
2023, 2307.0039 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-18. |
| Sharipov R. A., Superluminal non-baryonic particles in a 3D-brane universe without equidistance
postulate, Electronic archive https://vixra.org,
2023, 2307.0072 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-11. |
| Sharipov R. A., Energy conservation law for the gravitational field in a 3D-brane universe without
equidistance postulate, Electronic archive https://vixra.org,
2023, 2308.0175 [Relativity and Cosmology], 1-20. |
1. |
Шарипов Р. А., Теория представлений конечных групп,
БашНИИСтрой, Уфа, 1995 (есть электронная версия на
русском языке и перевод
на английский язык). |
2. |
Шарипов Р. А., Курс линейной алгебры и многомерной
геометрии, БашГУ, Уфа, 1996
(есть электронная версия на русском языке и перевод
на английский язык).
3. |
Шарипов Р. А., Курс дифференциальной
геометрии, БашГУ, Уфа, 1996
(есть электронная версия на русском языке и перевод
на английский язык).
4. |
Шарипов Р. А., Классическая
электродинамика и теория относительности, БашГУ, Уфа, 1997
(есть электронная версия на русском языке
и перевод на английский язык).
5. |
Шарипов Р. А., Основания геометрии для студентов и
школьников. БашГУ, Уфа, 1998
(есть электронная версия на русском языке
и перевод на английский язык).
6. |
Шарипов Р. А., Быстрое введение в тензорный анализ.
Электронный on-line учебник, 2004 (имеется
перевод на английский язык).
7. |
Шарипов Р. А., Курс аналитической геометрии,
БашГУ, Уфа, 2010
(есть электронная версия на русском языке
и перевод на английский язык).
8. |
Шарипов Р. А., Модель вселенной как 3D-браны,
Уфа, 2024 (электронная книга на русском языке).